I bought these for a Christmas gift for my 7 yr old grandson. He loves them. They do fly rather far just as described, so make sure to have a big open space. The launcher is heavy duty, so this should last.
Great toy for kids! Very easy to assemble and use ! My daughter loves the rockets ! My daughter had a blast using this toy and won’t stop talking about toy rockets now ! 100% would recommend this toy for your little ones !
We bought this for our 2 yr old and I have to admit, we probably play with it as much as our toddler does. It's height adjustable which is great for growing kids. It come with 3 balls which you can be pumped if they deflate.
This thing is tons of fun. Stickers suck! I suggest taking spray paint and after every few rounds spraying the target. Used a 10/22 with Ruger high velocity 22LR hallow points. We fired from as close as 25 meters and put about 2000 Rds to it. The circles did have a very miniscule bend but barely noticeable like a small dimple. Price is perfect. Some who missed hit the stand part and stand poles took it like a champ. This is very well constructed. If you use 22LR on it like intended it will last years! I plan to purchase another target from this manufacturer for a different caliber. Love these spinners!
This one will be used as a pistol and .22 rimfire target. So far out of the box I have full confidence it will be able to withstand a lot. Very Pleased.
I have used every target offered on amazon and more. This target and also "SUPER SPLATER" ARE the easiest to see upon hitting the target. PHOTO is about 15 yards away from target and BB pistol used. as you can see I did a lot of shooting that time. do not waste your money on different colored targets, you will not be happy at all. do not take my word on it just go ahead an order them, I promise you will love them compared to others you may have used.